(Polymer modified thin-set flex adhesive for fixing tiles,natural stone and glass-mosaic tiles on floor and wall)

Setae Flex is a multipurpose polymer-modified high performance thin-set glass tile adhesive. It is suitable for wide range of applications like fixing small and large format vitrified tiles, Natural stone and marble, Glass Tiles, Tile-On-Tile applications for internal and external use.#
Recommended to use for commercial spaces with 24h foot traffic.
Suitable Substrates:#
Cement based plaster and screed, brick & AAC block masonry, Tile-on-Tile application(on tile, mosaic, natural stone and Glass Tiles), Cement and Gypsum based boards**.
Key features:
- High performance flex Adhesive
- For fixing all type of tiles and natural stone
- Low shrinkage and crack resistant
- Shock resistant
- Suitable for Submerged conditions
- Recommended for Glass Tiles application
- Extended Working time
Coverage : 55-60 sq.ft. per 20Kg bag with using 6mm x 6mm notch trowel on smooth surfaces.
Complies To:
ANSI A 118.4 TE, EN 12004 C2TE, ISO 13007:C2TE, IS:15477 Type 3T Adhesive
Packaging : 20Kg Bag
VOC: Almost Nill (less than 10)
Shelf Life: 12 months from the date of manufacturing when stored in dry place with original packaging
#For technical parameters and detailed application guidelines please refer company’s official product datasheet.
**Consult backer board manufacturer’s datasheet for recommendations.